Wednesday, April 11, 2018

How tom Turn Your Dusun Profitable?

Dusuns is Malay word for orchard. Unfortunately these orchards are grown with SEEDLING durians which that it is NOT grown from GRAFTED SEEDLINGS. For simple reasons ungrafted seedlings takes too long to mature to fruiting and fruits are very inconsistent in size, colour and shapes also taste varies. Often it is has very thin  pulp or flesh and had  a lot of seeds.
Dusun must be maintained  clean free of weeds

There is ways how to make your dusun profitable.
 Malay version :
1. Inventori bilangan pokok mengikut kesihatannya
2 Pembuangan pokok mati dan berpenyakit
3 Rawatan pokok yang terjejas
4 Penanaman semula dengan klon MK
5 Perolehan klon  durian (Musang King) dengan bahan tanaman cantuman dewasa (advanced planting materials -APM)  atau cantuman dewasa
6  Penyediaan semaian sementara
7 Pembajaan pokok-pokok yang sedia
8 Pembajaan pokok-pokok baharu
9 Kawalan mahkluk perosak dan penyakit
10 Pemangkasan dahan muda dan berpenyakit
11 Penuaian hasil
12 Pemantauan dan pemeriksaan pokok secara am
13 Analisa tanah dan daun didusun

English version:
Inventory of durian  plants according to their healthiness at each locality or blocks
Removal of  dead plants 
Treatments of affected plants 
Counting and Replanting of new plants 
Purchasing clonal durian (Musang King) grafted  advanced planting materials (APM)  from accredited nurseries with 
Transit Nursery field set-up
Fertilization  recommendation of present plants with 
Fertilization  recommendation of new planting 
Pest and disease application 
Pruning new and old branches 
Pre and post- harvest of fruits 
Monitoring and inspection of trees 
Soil and foliar analysis when necessary

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