Saturday, August 12, 2017

Non- Seasonal and Free Flowering Durians In Malaysia

 I was suprised to visit two farms in Kg Klau, Bentong recently (12th Aug 2017) that their durians NON stop bearing. Each farm is about 18 acres. Two clone clones planted, both clones namely D24 and D 197 (Musang King) had fruits and simultaneously had flowers on the same branch. The trees are about 18 years old. There many fruits (50-80 fruits) on one tree as well as many flower. Normally, the end of the fruiting season here is in September. This farm had trees flowers again however adjacent farms did not experience flowering pattern.

My observations was on fertilization and irrigation aspects as well as the climatic conditions that triggered the flowering.

Fertilization is the KEY success to the  free flowering phenomenon. Correct fertilization in deed gave the plants sufficient nutrient to flower at anytime. Theoretically, plants undergone stress to flower however, these may differ to plant variety/clones and soil types.  One farm is hilly and the other is on flat land. The farm was well watered where water was given 20 minutes daily.  (What I suspected that this farmer spray hormone such as auxin to the branches to trigger flowering-because it was observed that very intense flowering occurred along the branches).

Correct fertilization will increase the soil fertility in which it will help the plants to supply essential nutrients for growth and production.  Thus, the soil also increase micro organisms and worm population which in turn nutrient availability to the plants.  

Fertilization programme fornon-seasonal flowering

1.Organic fertilizer  5 kg per tree 3 times per year
2.Blue Fertilizer 3 kg per tree  when flowering, stop fertilization
3 Purple Fertilizer 5 kg during fruitlet
4.Red Fertilizer     5kg  fruit development

5.Irrigation daily 20 minutes per day

Although the fertilizer requirement is high but the yield is very high too and non stop bearing.

The price of the durians is RM 60 per kg (USD 15 per kg) esp Musang King. 

If you  have a farm with MK then you a millionare when fruiting comes, tax free of course!

With this simple technique you can induce your durian  farm  from seasonal to non-seasonal .

Profusely free flowering Musang King durians

Irrigation of each duria tree

Fortified NPK

Fortified NPK Fertilizers

Yummy Musang King durians at the price of  USD15 per kg

Myself , Dr. Ahmad Zam Zam and my wife visited the durian farm in Kg.Klau, Bentong, Pahang, Malaysia

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Standard Operating Procedure of Durian Planting (SOP)

Prosedur Operasi Standard (SOP)  Penanaman dan Pengeluaran Buah-buahan

}   1. Kesesuaian tanah (Land suitability)
}   2. Pemilihan jenis buah-buahan (Choice of fruit types)
}   3.Penyediaan kawasan (Land preparation)
}   4.Pemilihan bahan tanaman (Selection of Planting Materials)
}   5. Membaris dan Sokong (Lining and Staking)
}   6. Lubang penanaman dan pembajaan (Planting Holes and Fertilization)

}   7.Penanaman (Planting) 

}   8.Lindungan (Shading)

}    9. Penjagaan (Maintenance)-Rekod

}    10.Pembajaan (Fertilization)

   11.Latihan dan Pemangkasan (Training and Pruning)

}   12. Kawalan rumpai ( Weed Control)

1   14.Kawalan serangga dan penyakit (Pests and Diseases Control)  
1   15.Penuaian hasil (Harvesting)  

       16.Penuaian lepas tuai (Post-harvest handling)  

       17. Penyimpanan (Storage) 

       18. Penghantaran (Distribution) 

         19. Pemasaran (Marketing)    

         20. Amalan Pertanian Baik (Good Agriculture Practices)   

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Message from Durian Seller

 I recenty got message from  durian seller;

I was a durian seller for more 30 years since 1960's.

I am revealing some durian sellers dirty tricks & the quality of the durians.This year the durians are very expensive & hope readers will decide after reading it.

1) never buy durian from display packaging pack why? becos the seller will assemble overnight or half spoilt durians into packaging pack & sell at fixed price.Actually overnight durians are almost worthless & easily get bad.If the durians taste sour pls stop eating & throw away the pack.

2) pls do not eat branded durians like Mao Shan Wang/D24/red prawns & others why? the durian farmers will spray toxic chemicals at the tree roots/bark & durians to prevent flying fox/snake/insects & others from attacking their expensive durians.As a result you can hardly see housefly & ants at the durian stalls nowadays.

3) FYI I lost 2 good friends ( died from throats cancer) by eating branded durians for few years. I did warn them😰 Just try to eat Mao Shan Wang/D24/red prawns & others you can straight away feel the burning sensation at your throat during your sleep or next morning.This indicate the toxic chemical are working.Another gd example to confirm the above that there are no housefly or ants attacking the durian packaging sale pack although the durians are very sweet. Just check it yourself.

4) pls buy durians without any pre-opening why? the durians fell from trees snakes/insects will try to eat/attack at any opening of the durians---not safe

Make sure your durians are open in front of you & any pre-opening pls do not accept as the sellers are always tricky. They try to pass the bad one to you & after all they are businessman.( I know all their dirty tricks like using hand gloves or cloth to cover the durians & pretend to open it------actually the durians are already opened or pretend sweet talk to distract you) 
Pls check all your buy durians before paying( they can switch them very fast) & also check their weighting machines.After all the durians is like the price of gold.

5) pls do not eat any durian cakes/pudding/deserts as the owners buy the cheapest quality.

Good luck & enjoy it😁

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Beware of Unsafe Durians: Durian Lovers Don't Simply Eat

I would to cautious durian lovers that they simply get excited when wanting to eat durians. Check first whether these durian comes from Thailand or Vietnam.
Please read what was reported :

Outrage has raged in Vietnam over the use of legal chemicals to artificially ripen fruits, after a Vietnamese facility in the Central Highlands province of Lam Dong was caught ripening numerous immature green durians .

On September 1 2016, an inspection team raided a fruit facility in Di Linh District, Vietnam as employees were busy dousing some 700kg worth of green durians into a barrel containing a yellow liquid.

The facility owner confessed to officials that the yellow liquid was a mixture of 40 liters of raw water, 500ml of a foliar fertilizer labeled HPC-97HXN and a little turmeric powder.

The immature fruits would subsequently become ripe two to three days after being soaked in the mix.

Inspectors seized 2.05 metric tons of chemical-doused durians at the facility, plus 13 bottles of fungicide and four bottles of HPC-97HXN.

There were also multiple containers of other chemicals and 89kg of packaging and labels in Chinese characters.

The facility opened in July and had frequently sourced unripe durians before artificially ripening them with the chemicals and offering them for sale.

After being doused with the poisonous chemical mix, the artificially ripened durians would be put into cardboard boxes, labeled with Chinese characters and loaded onto trucks for export.
The fruits would be sold mainly in Malaysia.
The raid on the Lam Dong facility has given rise to concern among local consumers, who now have to think twice before buying durians.

The case has also ignited debate over the safety of the HPC-97HXN chemical, the main ingredient of the ‘magic liquid’ used to ripen the fruits.\

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Consultancy on Durian Planting

Here are TOR for my consultancy

1.To plan,layout and assist fruit planting and management

2.To provide technical expertise on aspects of soils, fertilisers, agronomic practices,pest and disease control and post harvest handling.

3.To provide written Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) related to item 2

4.To advise on recommended planting materials,agricultural and operational inputs

5.To make schedule visits and identify possible weakness and threats as to ensure sustainability of the project

6. To  conduct soil nutrient analysis of the area to ensure proper fertilization and liming requirements.

email me at
Fruit Consultant/ Pricinpal Scientist